Why does my workspace open and close more slowly after using
For workspaces with very large number of tags, opening and closing
the workspace can take longer. So the tags don't have to be rebuilt
the next time the workspace is opened, Workspace
Whiz! saves the tag list to disk on workspace close. It
reads those tags on workspace open.
If the workspace open and close time appears to be taking exceedingly
long, try turning Workspace Whiz! off.
If it still takes a long time to open the workspace, then the
workspace.opt file has become corrupt. Delete it. (This is mentioned
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.)
The status bar should show the tag loading and saving.
Whenever I use a tag function, the title bar says "Checking
for updates..." It sits there for a long time. What gives?
Workspace Whiz! is checking date/time
stamps on all of the files tags are generated from. This is how
it can automatically keep the tag list in sync with changes to
your source files. This should never take more than a few seconds
You can perform the refresh manually. First, go to the Preferences->Tags
dialog and uncheck the check box which reads "Automatic
refresh of tags per each tag command." Now, the refresh
won't automatically happen. Press the Refresh
Tags button to perform the sync yourself.